*COLORS* (Q&A) Incidental neutral balls don't need to be followed by the companion ball if a point scores. Incidental Point balls of single colors spot unless the Black pockets. Companion balls that weren't pocketed consecutively after the first ball must be followed by the Black ball. Q: I pocketed a neutral ball. On the consecutive shot I pocketed both the companion ball and incidently pocketed a neutral ball of a different color. Do any balls spot? A: No. The consecutive companion balls scored a point. Neutral balls NEVER spot. You may pocket ANY color ball next. Pocketing the companion of the incidental ball would earn a point. Q: I pocketed a neutral ball and 2 companion balls of a different color were incidently pocketed on the SAME shot. Do any balls spot? A: No. You receive 1 point for the 2 companion balls. (Pocketing more than 1 neutral ball on the FIRST shot is legal) The companion ball could be pocketed on the consecutive shot for a point. Q: I pocketed a neutral ball. On the consecutive shot I pocketed the companion ball and also incidently pocketed 2 balls with 2 completely different colors. Do any balls spot? A: No. A point was scored for the consecutive shot. If both incidental balls were neutral balls play continues. If either or both of the balls were Point balls you must pocket the Black ball next. Q: I pocketed 2 neutral balls on the same shot. On the consecutive shot I pocketed the color Companion ball of one of them. Can I pocket the other companion ball to score another point? A: No. Pocketing the second companion would not be a consecutive shot on the same color ball. Any colored ball could be pocketed next. If the companion pockets next the Black 8 must follow. Q: I pocketed a neutral ball. On the consecutive shot I failed to pocket the companion ball and incidently pocketed both a Point ball of a different color and the Black ball. Do any balls spot? A: Yes. You failed to pocket the companion of the first neutral ball consecutively. You will receive no point. The Point ball spots on the Foot spot and the Black ball on the Center spot. Q: I pocketed a neutral ball. On the consecutive shot I failed to pocket the companion ball but 2 companion balls of a different color incidently pocketed on that same shot. Do any balls spot? A: Yes. You failed to pocket the companion of the first neutral ball consecutively. You will receive no point. Only 1 of the incidental companion balls will spot and becomes a Point ball. Q: I pocketed a Point ball. On the consecutive shot I pocketed both the Black ball and also an incidental Point ball of a different color. Do any balls spot? A: Yes. You receive 1 point for the consecutive shot and also receive 1 point for pocketing a Point ball on the same shot as the Black ball. The Black ball spots. Q: I pocketed 2 Point balls on the same shot. On the consecutive shot I pocketed the Black ball and also an incidental neutral ball. Do any balls spot? A: Yes. You earn 2 points for pocketing the Black ball on the consecutive shot. The Black ball spots. The companion of the incidental ball could now consecutively pocket for another point. These Questions and Answers are only to help understand the rules of the game. Carl Sandstrom COLORS can be found at www.sfbilliards.com